.. _taxonomic-info:
Taxonomic Information
Taxonomic terms, like keywords, help formally categorize your data so it can be easily found by someone else. The Workspace uses the `Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) `_ and allows you to search using common or scientific names. Assigning one of the results will display both the scientific name, common names, and if you use the drop down the full ITIS classification. You can explore the the `Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) `_ to find out more.
.. csv-table::
:widths: 30, 600, 600
:header: "Field", "Best Practice", "Example"
"Add Taxa", "Select **ITIS** from the ``Taxonomic System`` drop-down menu, then type species names in the ``Taxon Search`` box. Include an entry for each organism that your study focuses on or relates to, down to the genus and species whenever possible.", "A study of killer whale mating behavior would only include one entry with the genus and species of killer whales:
* *Orcinus orca*
A dataset that included identifications of aquatic insects down to the order level would include an entry for each order of insects observed:
* Trichoptera
* Ephemeroptera
* Odonata"
"Observation Processes", "This field provides information for future users about how taxa in your project were identified, which can help them find your project when searching for studies that employed a particular method and understand the level of accuracy of your taxonomic identifications.", "Specimens were identified visually by comparison with a voucher specimen."
"Identification Resources", "These fields provide information to document the sources used to verify your taxonomic identifications.", "Aquatic insects were identified down to the order using the *Aquatic Insects Classifciation* secion of the *Encyclopedia of Inland Waters*.
Berg, M. B. 2009. Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. Academic Press, Chicago. Pgs. 128-131."