Dr. Ben Best of EcoQuants has posted a short introductory video on using the data portal Axiom built for the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON).
The MBON portal currently features visualizations of key biodiversity datasets in Alaska, California, and Florida. In the EcoQuants video, Ben highlights the Florida Keys Reef Fish Visual Census ERDDAP data.
Among the many other datasets available to explore, the MBON portal also features fish catch survey data from the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission’s Bering Arctic Subarctic Integrated Survey.
In addition to filtering by time, location, and species—as Ben demonstrates using the ERDDAP data in the video—BASIS data can be filtered by method, life stage, and vessel.
As you can see in the screenshot above, this could allow you to see count data for juvenile Pacific salmon from surface rope trawls from 2002-2015—or any number of other queries.
The MBON portal is still in Beta. More features and datasets will be added in the future. If there is something you’d like to see included please contact info@marinebon.org.
You can access the data portal here.